Contribute to FSD by annotating sounds

Validate category annotations: this task consists of validating the adequacy of specific sound categories for given audio samples. You'll be shown a number of audio samples and you'll be asked to validate the presence of a sound category in each of them. The beginner's task includes sound categories which are easier to validate, while the advanced task contains harder sound categories.

Some statistics

We are already  606  contributors...

All time top contributors

# Username Number of contributions
1 Ceren Can 56287
2 rachitgupta 48348
3 mercedes.collado 43003
4 soulocrema 35796
5 gavendano 24736
6 edufonseca 23334
7 jordipons 23012
8 XavierFav 10357
9 mcollado 8589
10 sarafg11 8450

Last week top contributors

# Username Number of contributions
Last updated 19 hours, 36 minutes ago